Energy saving certification

    Introduction to energy-saving certification Energy-saving certification refers to the certification of relevant national energy-saving products and technical requirements, in accordance with internationally accepted product quality certification regulations and procedures, confirmed by the energy-saving product certification body and passed the certification and energy-saving signs to prove a certain The product meets the requirements of the corresponding standards and energy saving requirements. China's energy-saving product certification work is subject to the supervision and guidance of the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. The specific work of certification is organized and implemented by the China Quality Certification Center.

    China Energy Conservation Certification



    Product energy certification is one of the voluntary product certification services carried out by China Quality Certification Center CQC. The application of the "section" logo indicates that the products meet the relevant energy conservation, water conservation and other certification requirements. The scope of certification covers electrical appliances, office equipment and lighting. Energy-saving certification for products such as electromechanical, power transmission and transformation equipment, construction, and water-saving certification for industrial water treatment, urban water use, agricultural irrigation and drainage, and non-traditional water resources utilization. It aims to promote the promotion of energy-saving products and the advancement of technology level by promoting the consumption-saving certification of consumers and promoting the active consumption of energy-saving products.

    The Chinese product energy-saving certification mark consists of a circular pattern with the first letter "e" of "energy", which contains a deformed Chinese character "section", which means energy saving. The outer circle of the notch constitutes the first letter "C" of "C HINA". The upper part of the "section" is simplified into the shape of a section of the ancient Great Wall, and the lower part forms a pattern of a peak fire station, which symbolizes China. The lower part of the "section" is the first letter "N" of the Chinese alphabet. The entire pattern contains Chinese and English to facilitate international integration.

    The ownership of the China Product Energy Conservation Certification Mark belongs to the China Product Energy Conservation Certification Management Committee, and the right to use belongs to the China Energy Conservation Product Certification Center. Anyone who misappropriates, fraudulently or unauthorisedly produces this mark will be investigated for legal liability of the parties in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Energy Conservation. China Energy Conservation Certification Application Process I. Data Preparation

    Enterprises applying for energy-saving product certification fill out the “Application for Energy-Efficient Product Certification” and report it together with the following materials to the Office of China Energy Conservation Product Certification Center (hereinafter referred to as the office):

    1) A copy of the business license or a copy of the registration certificate (if the applicant is different from the auditee, the applicant's supporting materials should also be provided);

    2) Product registration trademark certificate;

    3) A copy of the product production license (when required);

    4) Proof materials with stable product quality and mass production capacity (such as batch conversion identification materials);

    5) Product standards (referred to as product explicit standards, such as the implementation of national standards are not required);

    6) Copy of product electrical safety certification certificate or safety inspection report; (listed in the product catalogue of national safety certification mandatory supervision and management)

    7) Product performance inspection report and performance test report of controlled key components;

    8) Manufacturer's quality manual;

    9) Other relevant information requested by RST when needed.

     The following information can also be submitted for reference:

    1) A copy of the quality system certification certificate (if it has been certified);

    2) A copy of the product quality certification certificate (if it has been certified);

    3) Laboratory accreditation information.

    Second, accept the application

    After the application form and related materials submitted by the applicant are completed, RST will complete the examination of the application and related materials within 10 working days, and issue the “Notice of Application for Acceptance of Energy-Saving Product Certification” to meet the requirements, given the certification project number. . If the application and related materials are not sufficient, RST will contact the applicant (telephone, fax, etc.) to inform them to replenish the relevant materials within 30 days or to make corresponding rectifications. If necessary, issue a Notice of Supplement to the Application Materials. " Until the application and related materials meet the requirements. If the applicant fails to supplement/improve the required materials within 30 days without any explanation and explanation, the applicant is deemed to have revoked the application.

    Signing the “Contract for Energy-Saving Product Certification” with the applicant and the “Notice of Accepting Application for Certification of Energy-Saving Products”, RST will also issue the “Contract for Energy-Efficient Product Certification” (in duplicate) to determine the scope of certification (product name, auditee/manufacturing) Factory, product trademark), factory audit and product sampling completion date, certification payment requirements and timing, both parties' responsibilities and obligations. At the same time, notify the company of the certification fee budget. If the applicant has no objection to the contract content and the certification fee budget, the certification contract should be completed before the RST implements the factory audit. The contract is valid for four years. If the scope of certification (including the type of certified product, manufacturer, etc.) has not changed, the contract will not be signed each time the certification is expanded.

    Third, product inspection

    1. Product inspection basis: Product standard or RST certification technical requirements.

    2, product inspection steps

    1) RST determines the scope and quantity of the certification unit and the pumping/sending sample according to the product certification implementation rules, and sends the “Product Pumping/Sampling Notice” to the enterprise;

    2) The inspection team or staff designated by the RST is responsible for sampling and sealing, and stamping the “sampling list”, the company is responsible for delivering the samples to the CQC designated inspection agency.

    3) If it is required to be inspected on site, the inspection agency shall send someone to the site for inspection.

    4) The product inspection fee shall be paid directly by the enterprise to the inspection agency according to the charging standard of the inspection agency.

    5) The inspection agency issues two product inspection reports to RST, and RST is responsible for transferring one of the reports to the applicant company.

    Fourth, assessment and registration

    1. Evaluation form

    The certification is organized by the RST Technical Committee, and the certification is mainly conducted in the form of a review or a letter of review.

    2. Evaluation basis

    The evaluation basis mainly includes: the "factory review report" submitted by the review team and the evaluation report made by RST; the "product sampling inspection report" and the evaluation report made by RST.

    3. Certification assessment

    1) RST organization evaluation team, according to the assessment basis, comprehensively evaluate the factory inspection results and product inspection results, and sign the certification assessment opinions. The RST director makes the judgment of the certification registration according to the evaluation opinions of the expert assessment group. The product certification requirements of the applicant and its products issued a product certification.

    2) According to the assessment conclusion, RST issues the “Notice of Product Certification Result” to the applicant.

    4. Registration procedures

    After passing the product certification result notification, the enterprise that has passed the product certification should apply for the following registration procedures:

    1) Sign the "Certificate of Certification and Logo Use";

    2) Receive the product certification certificate and handle the use of the logo;



